Submitted or under Revision
"Variable Scaling and Hypothesis Testing in the Gravity Model", with Russell Hillberry
- Technical relevance (for Stata users) on page 3 - A cautionary note on goodness-of-fit statistics for models estimated by pseudo maximum likelihood by Green and Santos Silva (2024) (New: 11/24)
Working Papers
"Structural Estimation of a Gravity Model of Trade with the Constant-Difference-of-Elasticities Preferences"
"Biofuels, Deforestation, and the GTAP Model", with Steven Berry and Timothy D. Searchinger, Tobin Center Working Paper Series (New: 12/24)
"Economic Measurement", with Jianwei Ai, Jiansuo Pei, and Costas Arkolakis (New)
"Biofuels, Deforestation, and the GTAP Model", with Steven Berry and Timothy D. Searchinger, Tobin Center Working Paper Series (New: 12/24)
"Economic Measurement", with Jianwei Ai, Jiansuo Pei, and Costas Arkolakis (New)
Work in Progress
1. "Deep Waters", with Costas Arkolakis and José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez
2. "Discrete Choice with Implicit Additivity", with Steven Berry and Costas Arkolakis
3. A study of "structural models" and the role of "structural parameters", with Steven Berry
4. "Counterfactuals", with Sam Kortum
2. "Discrete Choice with Implicit Additivity", with Steven Berry and Costas Arkolakis
3. A study of "structural models" and the role of "structural parameters", with Steven Berry
4. "Counterfactuals", with Sam Kortum
Papers and Policy Reports before Ph.D.
1. Yuan, Wen Jin, Yasnanhia Cabral, and Anton C. Yang. “U.S. International Trade Commission’s Trade Facilitation Roundtable.” Journal of International Commerce and Economics, July 2017. Link
2. “Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Likely Impact on the U.S. Economy and on Specific Industry Sectors.” USITC Publication 4607, May 2016. Link
3. Foreso, Cynthia, Wen Jin Yuan, and Anton C. Yang. “Africa’s Crude Petroleum Exports Declined due to a Shrinking U.S. Market”. Executive Briefings on Trade, July 2015. Link
4. Guth, Joanne, and Anton C. Yang. “The EU’s Energy Import Diversification Plan and Its Role in the TTIP Negotiations”. Executive Briefings on Trade, April 2015.
2. “Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Likely Impact on the U.S. Economy and on Specific Industry Sectors.” USITC Publication 4607, May 2016. Link
3. Foreso, Cynthia, Wen Jin Yuan, and Anton C. Yang. “Africa’s Crude Petroleum Exports Declined due to a Shrinking U.S. Market”. Executive Briefings on Trade, July 2015. Link
4. Guth, Joanne, and Anton C. Yang. “The EU’s Energy Import Diversification Plan and Its Role in the TTIP Negotiations”. Executive Briefings on Trade, April 2015.